Developed by Regista and directed by Ever17 Creator Takumi Nakazawa, Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition follows the events of a nuclear meltdown at a research facility from two different points of view.
Leaving an unknown amount of survivors inside and a reactor at the verge of exploding, the rescue team is sent in to figure out the situation and save the ones left inside. Unfortunately the leader of the rescue team is suffering from amnesia, which makes the situation even more complicated.
The player will uncover the events that have led to this disaster. Combining the stories of the different characters and experiencing every twist and turn is the only way to uncover the truth of what happened that fateful day.
What separates Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition from contemporary games is its unique and highly involved Senses Sympathy System, in which the player must follow their senses and gut feeling and prioritize which character they want to focus on and follow.
Depending on what you pick will most likely drastically change the scenario and the outcome at every step of the game. One wrong move can lead to their demise, and the many endings of the game are certainly not happy ever after
The game will be published physically and digitally in North America and Europe for Nintendo Switch. An exclusive Limited Edition and two different Collector’s Editions, are available at the Strictly Limited Games Partner Store.
You can learn more about Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition and the new limited edition versions on the official website.
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