Today during the Bethesdaland Tour, Pete Hines announced two VR titles that the company has been working on.
He announced through the use of a pre-made video that players can look forward to what appears to be a Doom VFR (Virtual- F***ing Reality) title and Fallout 4 for VR.
The Doom VFR title showcases use of weapons, the ability to move around through teleportation, and exciting graphics that enhance the interactivity of the Doom experience. Quote- “It’s so hot right now”.
The second being the previously discussed Fallout 4 VR. The company showcased an ability to have enhanced settlement customization and a more immersive, first person Fallout experience. Fallout 4 will be fully available in VR, meaning that the whole game will be available for users to experience.
At Informed Pixel we are very excited to get to experience both of the VR titles, especially to see Doom be brought to VFR.