The popular online role-playing game Ashes of Creation, designed by Jeffrey Bard and developed and published by Intrepid Studios received a brand-new update from the games Creative Director Steven Sharif. With this new update, fans were invited to take a behind the scenes look at the games Alpha One, which had been previous pushed back by 2 months due to unforeseen circumstances.
Along with the announcement surrounding the projects Alpha One, Sharif also went on to reveal that the Ashes of Creation team would soon be making there way back to their brand-new studio sometime between now and June 15th, 2021.
Along with the brand-new studio, Sharif also announced that Intrepid intend to take on almost 150 new employees for both full time and on-site work for positions ranging from Art to Design to Engineering. Interviews are being conducted online and at in-person job fairs once the company have settled in at their new studio.
With regards to development, Sharif noted that the company has already done a large level of QA testing for their Alpha One project. Sharif also noted that due to the hard work of both the engineering and QA teams, the project embraced a seamless transition from Unreal Engine version 4.25 to 4.26.
Sharif stated that it was his and the team’s goal to put the word “massive” right back into the MMRPG genre, with the team having conducted a large level of stress testing to make sure that servers could handle a large player base.
In the closing statement of the update, Sharif told players that they can expect Alpha One sales to return sometime in May 2021, with more information yet to be reviled on their website at the end of April 2021. However, Sharif emphasized to players that they should not treat participating in the Alpha One tests as playing a game, more so it should be treated as helping to test a work in progress.
If you want to read the full announcement, you can find it on the official site here. For more news on great games, keep up to date with Informed Pixel! Want to speak to the team and interact with other gamers? You can do so over on the Informed Pixel Facebook page or on the Informed Pixel Twitter account.