Hello everyone! Since Halo Infinite launches next week, I wanted to share what my all-time favourite Halo game is! I’ve been a massive fan of the Halo series since I played Halo: Combat Evolved in kindergarten, and I love them all equally. Still, one will forever stand out as my favourite so let’s dive into why Halo Reach is my all-time favourite Halo title!
I got Halo Reach when it came out in 2010 but didn’t play it a lot as I still played Halo 3 a ton, and then my mom grounded me and took away Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Halo 3, and Call of Duty Black ops as punishment; so I picked up Halo Reach and fell in love instantly. I would continue to play it as my main game until I got my Xbox One in 2017! After that, I fell in love with it once again when it came to Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and I still play it constantly as my main game on Halo: MCC!

I love Halo Reach‘s story; it has a different tone from any other Halo game. It feels so gritty and at times hopeless throughout its plot. Noble Team is such a fun and intriguing group to be around, and the Missions are some of the franchise’s best! Halo Reach has it all, whether you are investigating farmland, flying through space in a Sabre ship, or racing to the Pillar of Autumn!
The music also adds an entire layer to Reach‘s story, from impressive bombastic engagement tracks to some of the most soul-crushing and tear-jerking cutscene tracks. Halo Reach‘s OST is my all-time favourite. It always keeps me engaged in whatever I’m doing.

Halo Reach also feature’s an incredible and fun multiplayer, which I have played countless hours of! It is so fast-paced, and the gunplay feels so good. Armour abilities can constantly shift an engagement in your favour at any time! The plethora of game modes are tons of fun, and even a coop firefight is a great way to kill time! It even has one of the best versions of Forge; you can make some absolutely killer maps with it!
Overall, Halo Reach still holds up to this day as one of the best Halo games in the series. From a fantastic story and music to a fun and thrilling multiplayer. I cannot see this as anything other than my all-time favourite Halo title! If you haven’t played it already, GO DO IT!
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