The expansion delay was a massive blow to many fans, but none took it harder than the game director of Final Fantasy XIV, Naoki Yoshida. Finally, however, after a long wait full of pure, unbridled anticipation, Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker has been released in early access to those who pre-ordered the DLC.
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is described as the climactic end to the Hydaelyn-Zodiark storyline, which has been eight years in the making since director Naoki Yoshida took the helm of the project after the disastrous launch of the original 1.0 version of the game.

Features to Expect
First and foremost, with every expansion in the MMORPG genre, you can expect an increase in the level cap. For example, during Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, players levelled from level 70, the cap of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, to level 80. In Endwalker, you will be on your way to level 90.
A cap increase isn’t all either. With the expansion’s release, the players have been given two new classes to play, being Sage, a shield healer, and Reaper, a melee DPS that specializes in combat with a scythe. Also, coming with the update, healers will be separated into categories, pure healers and shield healers.

Players who bought the expansion will also be able to experience new and expansive areas, including but not limited to, Garlemald, the capital of the Garlean Empire, Thavnair, a land that lies across a sea of jade, and Radz-at-Han, which is known to be a major trade city.
In these new lands, you will not only come across new threats but also interact with new Beast Tribes, races who live apart from civilized society across the lands. Just as before in previous expansions, you will take quests and earn a reputation with these tribes.

Of course, what would a new expansion be without the new dungeons and raids? As of the writing of this article, there is not a lot of information on what they are, but there are three new dungeons and a raid series known as the Pandaemonium. Players will also get Estinien Wyrmblood as a Trust ally.
Where To Play
Final Fantasy XIV: Online and its respective expansions, Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker are available on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5, with a free trial up to level 60 with no time limit on how long you can play. As of the posting of this article, Endwalker is in early access and fully releases on December 7th.
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