Welcome to our weekly NIJISANJI segment, where we cover the schedule for the VTuber group LazuLight. Each members’ schedules for the following week will be posted as individual articles. We hope to provide some knowledge on the games lined up and shed some light on the experience the girls have had in said games so far.
In this article, we will be looking at the fairy VTuber, Pomu Rainpuff. If you’re not quite sure who Pomu Rainpuff is, you can check out our excellent Q&A with her, which helps us all get to know her better. The below schedule will cover everything gaming related that Pomu will be doing on stream over the next week. Please enjoy.
Sunday 4th July
On the 4th of July, Pomu and her fellow members of Lazulight attended Anime Expo Lite, where they appeared as special guests on a panel about VTubers.
Monday 5th July
On Monday, Pomu provided us with a laidback stream in which she took the opportunity to thank all of those who gave her Superchats in her recent stream where she sang the song “God Knows! 101 times.
Whether you watched the stream, this is about it or not, definitely go and show Pomu some support.
Streamed at 1 PM PDT (8 PM GMT)
Tuesday 6th July
Pomu had no plans to stream today. However, due to one of her fellow members from LazuLight sleeping in, Pomu stepped up to the plate and streamed Minecraft until Finana awoke. While it was an impromptu stream, it was a pleasant surprise. That kindness to cover for her friend is just one of the reasons we love Pomu.
Watch the albeit short stream here.
Wednesday 7th July
For Wednesday’s stream, Pomu will show off her drawing skills as she does an art stream.
Check it out at 5 PM PDT (7/8 12 AM GMT)
Thursday 8th July
Pomu will be playing Shantae and the Seven Sirens on Thursday.
This game is the 5th instalment of the series. However, don’t let that steer you away from watching, as it’s still an enjoyable game even without knowledge of previous games within the series.
The best way to describe this game is a Metroidvania style game in which the player explores a large interconnected world. As you progress through the story, Shantae will gain many new abilities to aid her on her adventure.
Watch Pomu’s playthrough at 5 PM PDT (7/9 12 AM GMT)
Friday 9th July
It seems that recently the members of LazuLight have developed quite an interest in playing horror games on stream. This will continue this week on Friday when Pomu joins her fellow member, FInana Ryugu, on her channel to play Outlast together.
Outlast is a game that anyone who has even the slightest interest in horror has heard of. The first instalment of the series takes the player to a closed psychiatric hospital which they must investigate. With scares lurking around every corner, it’s certainly not a game for the faint of heart.
Overcome your fear with Pomu and Finana at 3 PM PDT (10 PM GMT)
However, that’s not all for Friday; Pomu will also be streaming a short while again after her collab with Finana. In this stream, she’ll be playing through Kuukiyomi 1 + 2
Kuukiyomi is the Japanese word for “reading the room”. This game places the player in various situations where the player can choose to mind their manners and act politely or maybe become a public nuisance.
Which of these will Pomu choose?

Find out at 6 PM PDT (7/10 1 AM GMT)
Saturday 10th July
To bring the week to a close, Pomu will be playing Minecraft on the Nijisanji world server.
Watch that at 10 AM PDT (5 PM GMT)
However, that’s not all. Later that day, she will be joining her fellow LazuLight members once again. This time they will be celebrating everyone having reached the milestone of reaching 100,000 subscribers.
Now you may be wondering what kind of celebrations they have in stock. Unfortunately, they seem to have gone for something a little less traditional in celebrating and instead decided to challenge themselves to eat some spicy noodles.
Will the girls be able to stand the heat?
See at 5 PM PDT (12 AM 7/11 GMT)
More LazuLight Schedules
That’s all Pomu Rainpuff’s weekly schedule. Feel free to check out Elira Pendora’s and Finana Ryugu’s schedules as well, and be sure to come again next week to check out next week’s schedules.
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