During the Square Enix presents event at E3, a trailer has been released for Life is Strange: True Colors. The latest in the Life is Strange series, the trailer has revealed multiple features for the game. Some of these are unheard of for the series until now.
The highly anticipated follow on in the Life is Strange series seems to continue in the vain of previous title, Life is Strange 2. Following another individual story of a gifted teen with reality bending abilities, as well as confronting on how to deal with them.
In addition, we got to see some of the characters present in the reveal trailer. Protagonist Alex Chen feels cursed by a power to feel the emotions of others, to an almost damaging degree. In a first for the series, Alex is already familiar with their powers, but is facing new challenges after her brother’s death.
Furthermore, Alex’s abilities introduce another new concept for the series in how they affect her. This empathy she feels is both useful but also something that causes her genuine pain, whereas past characters have seen their powers affect the world around them.
The trailer continues to reveal some new challenges for Alex to solve, alongside stunning art that fans of the series will be very familiar with. Alex has found a home in a small community, after reuniting with her brother Gabe. However, Gabe passes her connections to the community.
Moreover, it reveals that her powers reveal hidden fractures between her new found community. Life is Strange: True Colors certainly promises to deliver more emotive mysteries and immersive dialogue that push the genre. The trailer concludes with what is to come, with Alex showing mastery of her emotional powers.
Life is Strange: True Colors is set for release on September 10th, 2021, with the Life is Strange Remastered Collection releasing later on September 30th 2021. The game will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC via Steam, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S.
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