This week, a new story trailer was released for the upcoming Resident Evil 2 remake. This chilling and nostalgia-filled new look into the revisited classic introduces the main characters Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Leon Kennedy and, last but not least, fan favorite Ada Wong who is rocking a new Trench Coat and sunglasses look.
“Get the hell out of here, before it’s too late” – Ada Wong
Although the main plot of this remake will be close to that of the original, we already know that Capcom are streamlining the two campaigns to avoid repetitiveness. In that, we can assume there will be some hidden surprises involved, including well-known characters from entirely new perspectives.
We get a good look at the infected main boss William Birkin as well as some gameplay footage of Claire facing off against a group of zombies and Leon struggling to handle one of Resident Evil’s iconic zombie dogs.
The trailer ends as Leon and Ada stand in the mouth of a sewer that fans of the series will know and love and I for one can’t wait to see how incredibly horrific a certain alligator will look 21 years after the original game.
Resident Evil 2 arrives on January 25th, 2019, for PS4, Xbox One and PC.