There has been little to no news about Titanfall 2 in some time. All we know is that it is being conceived or in development and may be launching in early 2017.
Jesse Stern, Lead Writer at Respawn Entertainment states that “Titanfall 2 will have a real, honest to goodness single-player campaign.” making for a better package. The lack of any story or campaign was by far one of Titanfall’s weakest points. While they attempted to integrate it into an online component, it didn’t catch on. I for one can not remember one single plot point in Titanfall’s online campaign. If they can give us a meaty campaign with mech and diverse weapon customization, I believe this is a recipe for a strong title worthy of gamers time.
It is also worth mentioning that they intend to expand the Titanfall universe beyond gaming platforms. It was announced discretely in July that the studio Lionsgate will be working with Respawn to produce a Titanfall tv series. Stern states that this will be a “daunting task” and that a sci-fi series involving giant battling robots will be “very expensive”.
Titanfall 2 will be made available for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC in early 2017.