At the 2021 Game Awards, Focus Entertainment and Sabre Interactive showed off the reveal trailer for their upcoming Warhammer 40k video game, Space Marines II! So let’s dive into what the game will bring us as we fight the Xenos forces of the Tyranids!
The trailer opens with three Thunderhawk gunships flying down to an Imperium planet under attack by the Tyranids from hive fleet Leviathan. The trailer does a close up on the wing showing the Imperium eagle before cutting to a small Astramilitarum platoon fighting in a courtyard. The firefight is almost lost before the Thunderhawk gunship roars over and three space marines from the Ultramarines chapter come crashing down onto the ground.

The Ultramarines do quick work of the Tyranids. First, the Lieutenant rips the head off of the Tyranid warrior; we then get a fantastic shot showing the marines towering over the Imperial Guard forces with one of them muttering “His Angels.” The space marines are known as the Emperor’s Angels of Death. We then see an overhead shot of a massive battle in the rest of the city before the Lieutenant takes off his helmet, revealing the protagonist from the first game Titus!
We also get a few gameplay shots, including Titus using a jump pack to fly into a Horde of Nids, using a bolter to gun down a horde of incoming Xenos, and running behind some Imperial Guard as a Chimera rolls over a bridge.
The few snippets of gameplay look amazing and show the impressive scale and detail the game will bring! Unfortunately, Focus Entertainment gave no release date, but the final game will be available for Xbox Series X, Windows PC, and PlayStation 5!
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